
Images from the Fall

School begins - First day orientation
An older - younger pair-up game
 Circus Smirkus did a week's residency as part of our orientation. Our hope in the beginning weeks of school is to create a strong social community of trust and respect, and to lay the groundwork for academic engagement, curiosity, risk taking, and sustained focus.
Charlie - learning to juggle scarves
Anoushka with hoops
Performance at the end of the week
The spinning plates!
Crys with devil sticks
Mind reading
A middle school science seminar
Performing poetry
Bailey at work on a piece of writing
Primary group morning meeting
Darius and Lexi - Reader's theater
Husking corn
Lena and Jez in the gather up at the beginning of writer's workshop
Algebra class
Sharing a good book
The upper elementary group did a 2 day camping trip on the side of Mt. Mansfield at the end of September.
– Ari going over some safety information 
On the trail
At Cantilever Rock look-out
Brendan at the Bristol Harvest Festival with our cider press
In the garden
Lily and Bill gathering seeds
Some of the harvest
Delights of the garden
Isaiah and Reid at work on the Monarch butterfly project
Butterfly with a mark-recapture tag
We send data to the Monarch Watch Program at the University of Kansas.
A butterfly emerges
Record of data
Cole at work on a math problem
Annie leading conversational Spanish with the upper elementary group
Alexis in Writer's Workshop
Building - in the primary room
The middle school group did a 3 day backpacking trip in the Breadloaf Wilderness  in October.
– 1st morning right before we head out
On Sucker Brook Trail
Sunset silhouettes
Skylight Pond
Leaving Skyline Lodge on the last day - in the snow!

We gleaned vegetables in early November for the local food shelf.
– Lily picking kale at New Leaf Organics in Bristol
We joined some of the Addison Gleaners from Middlebury College at Lester Farm in New Haven.
Older-younger mentor relationships begin
– Lucas and Henry
Crys and Bailey
Margot and Amelia
Anoushka and Zave
Right before the holiday break in December, we held a bazaar. Families sent in gently used toys, books and other items. Students set up a store and wrapping stations, and some parents set up cooking and craft present-making stations. Students then bought and made presents for family members and friends. The proceeds from the bazaar were donated to the Humane Society of Addison County.