
Red Cedar Students Share Learning with School Community

Students from all of the classes shared their learning from the late fall with each other and parents on Friday, December 19th.

The primary group does a puppet show/reader's theater performance of The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Upper elementary students perform two stories from the northeast Native American oral tradition: The Chenoo and Keewahkwee. Charlie performs the role of Chenoo.

Upper elementary students share drawings and writing they have done in their study of pre-contact local Native Americans.

Middle school students make recommendations to the school community about how Red Cedar can become more energy efficient. They give oral and power-point presentations they have prepared.

This group talks about vermiculture and describes how a compost system could be set up in the school's basement.

Amanda works on the puppet theater set.

Upper elementary students each recently wrote 'how-to' pieces carefully describing how to do something they knew. These were collected into a book which they gave to the primary students. Xavia is reading one of her pieces to the group.

Gabe listens and reads along as an older student reads a 'how-to' piece aloud.