The upper elementary group has been studying Native Peoples with a particular focus on the local Abenaki this year in social studies. They are beginning to explore the contact period and European settlement. We decided to take a trip to Plimoth Plantation in Massachusetts where we could see living replicas of Plimoth Colony, a Wampanoag village, and the Mayflower.

Lena and Schuyler watch a Wampanoag woman cook frog legs over a fire.

Checking out some dugout canoes. We got to see a tree being hollowed out with fire.

Charlie, Xzavia, Lena, Jez, Quinn and Schuyler in front of a wetu.

Quinn and Bo are descendants of John Alden, one of the original passengers aboard the Mayflower who settled Plimoth Colony. They are sitting in a replica of his house.

Walking down the main path of the village.

Nadine and Isaiah watch the village blacksmith at work.

Bill and Charlie look at a cannon.

Bo helps with the work.

At the end of the day we headed into Plymouth - the bus spent its first night at a motel.

After checking in we walked along the harbor - past 'The Rock' - to dinner.

In the park

After dinner at the Lobster Hut something strange happened to Quinn and Nadine.

Breakfast at a diner - it doesn't get much better than this!

Talking with the captain's first mate on the Mayflower.

Charlie's grandfather, Jim Fox, is a boatbuilder and lives in the next town up the coast. He joined us at the Mayflower.

On the beach before we headed back north to Vermont