
Middle School Backpacks in the Adirondacks

We set off early Wednesday morning for the Adirondacks with our packs and food for three days.
The bus takes its first ferry ride - crossing Lake Champlain at Ticonderoga.

Gathered up by Putnam Pond at the edge of the Pharoah Lake Wilderness, ready for our six mile hike to Pharoah Lake. Photo by Parker.


C, Patrick and Eliot

Five miles in - Evan and Miranda take a break on the trail.

We arrive and set up camp. Margot, John and Kellen do some fishing.

Adrian, Patrick, C and Miranda - hanging out in the lean-to by the fire.

Bill and Eliot

Kellen and John - filtering water

The next morning we set out to hike the circumference of Pharoah Lake. Brendan uses audio playback to show students a pair of Blue-Headed Vireos.

Thursday night cooks, Miranda and Parker, sit by the fire waiting for the water to boil.

Split Rock in the early morning light