
End of Year Images

We raised chickens this spring. Alex draws one as a few look on.

Ezekiel and a friend

Quinn - in the chicken coop

Isaac, Sam, Willie and Alex planting seeds in the garden

Anoushka waters the garden

Middle school students in the intro to Algebra class built Adirondack chairs - Parker at work on his

Zave and Ari

End of Year Sharing of Learning

The middle school group shares reflections about their growth over the year 

The primary group created a rotating mural to depict the cycle of gardening

The upper elementary group created an early 1800s village in the outdoor classroom after their trip to Sturbridge Village.
Jez, Anoushka and Lena at the general store

Bo at the forge

Zave at the 'stable'

Louise tries out the chair made by her son, Adrian

Izzie shares her portfolio with her mom

Nadine shares her portfolio with her mom

End of Year Family Picnic

Jezzie, Isaac and Evan

Manju and Rachel

A surprise shower for Brendan (whose baby, Maggie, was born this summer!)
Variety Show - last week of school
Adrian, Miranda, Evan, Eliot, Patrick, Margot, Aran, John, C, Kellen and Parker

John, Evan, Izzie and Lena


Zave and Amelia


Anoushka, Isaac, Alex and Bill

C, Evan, Bill and Adrian


Charlie, Bo and Quinn


Resting for the summer