On the morning of March 13, primary and upper elementary students shared learning from the past months with their parents. The primary group has been studying the human body in science and shared models, drawings and diagrams, writing and experiments. They have also undertaken a 'Northern Studies' humanities exploration and shared writing and artwork from this integrated study.
Gabe tells his mother about the dog sled visit while looking at pictures of the expereince.
Nadine shows her project to Amelia's mom.
Nadine's drawing of the brain
Amanda reads her writing to her parents.
Amelia shares her project on the human heart with her grandparents.
Amelia's model of the human heart - which she made from duct tape, balloons, paint and plastic tubing
Louis's project on cells
The upper elementary group shared their science models as well as personal narrative stories, essays, poetry and fiction writing they have done this year.
Adrian demonstrates his Wright flyer with circuits and small motors.
Miranda, Zoe, Nimaya and Jezriel demonstrate their steam engine boats.
Kellen demonstrates his magnetic guass rifle.
Margot with her alternative energies project.
NImaya's dad, Ark, reads her fiction story.
Evan and C demonstrate their levitating magnet model.
Sean and John prepare to launch the film can cannons.